how many games has lebron missed in his career


### I. Introduction

   A. Brief overview of LeBron James' illustrious career:
      - Provide a concise introduction to LeBron James, highlighting key aspects of his basketball career, achievements, and influence on the sport.

   B. Importance of understanding his missed games:
      - Explain why it's relevant to delve into the games LeBron James has missed—this could include understanding his impact on teams, the challenges he has faced, and the broader context of his career.

### II. LeBron's Career Timeline

   A. Early years and entry into the NBA:
      - Explore LeBron's beginnings in basketball, his entry into the NBA, and any standout moments from his early career.

   B. Notable achievements and milestones:
      - Highlight key milestones in LeBron's career, such as championships, MVP awards, and All-Star appearances.

   C. Impact on teams and franchises:
      - Discuss how LeBron's presence has influenced the teams he's played for and the broader impact on the NBA landscape.

### III. Reasons for Missed Games

   A. Injuries:
      1. Specific injuries and their impact:
         - Detail notable injuries LeBron has faced and the impact on his performance and availability.
      2. Recovery periods and comeback stories:
         - Discuss instances where LeBron overcame injuries and made successful comebacks.

   B. Rest and Load Management:
      1. Strategic decisions by teams:
         - Explore how teams strategically manage LeBron's playing time to ensure longevity.
      2. Balancing longevity and performance:
         - Discuss the delicate balance between keeping LeBron healthy and maintaining his high-level performance.

### IV. Statistical Overview

   A. Total number of games played:
      - Provide the total number of games LeBron has played throughout his career.
   B. Percentage of missed games in relation to the total:
      - Calculate and highlight the percentage of games LeBron has missed in comparison to the total games played.

### V. Impact on Teams

   A. Team performance in LeBron's absence:
      - Explore how LeBron's absence has affected the performance of the teams he's been a part of.
   B. Adjustments made by coaches and teammates:
      - Discuss the strategies and adjustments made by coaches and teammates when LeBron is not on the court.

### VI. LeBron's Resilience and Comebacks

   A. Examples of remarkable comebacks:
      - Provide specific examples of instances where LeBron demonstrated resilience and made successful comebacks.
   B. Demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges:
      - Discuss LeBron's mental toughness and ability to bounce back from setbacks.

### VII. Comparisons with Other NBA Players

   A. Comparing LeBron's missed games to peers:
      - Compare LeBron's missed games to those of other NBA players of his caliber.
   B. Analyzing the broader context of NBA careers:
      - Explore how missed games fit into the broader context of NBA careers and legacies.

### VIII. Conclusion

   A. Recap of LeBron's career and impact:
      - Summarize key points about LeBron's career and the significance of understanding his missed games.
   B. Insights gained from examining missed games:
      - Conclude with insights or lessons that can be drawn from analyzing LeBron's missed games.

### IX. References
   A. Cite relevant statistics and sources:
      - Provide proper citations for statistics and information used in the blog post.

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